Dermatology Related Articles

  • Acne & Light
    ACNE AND LIGHT HOW DOES IT WORK? COMPILED BY: DR WHITAKER So you have been told you have got acne and want to know more about it!? Firstly, the whole process revolving around "pimples" starts at the oil-glands. Before puberty they do nothing, but with the onset of hormone production tho....
  • Acne & Light
    ACNE AND LIGHT HOW DOES IT WORK? COMPILED BY: DR WHITAKER So you have been told you have got acne and want to know more about it!? Firstly, the whole process revolving around "pimples" starts at the oil-glands. Before puberty they do nothing, but with the onset of hormone production tho....
  • Ever Had Your Moles Checked?
    EVER HAD YOUR MOLES CHECKED OUT? I have often been told that the multitude of moles on my back look dodgy, so I was apprehensive when I had them scrutinised by skin cancer specialist Dr Dagmar Whitaker. With the help of a sophisticated computerised scanning system known as mole-mapping, Dr Whita....
  • Ever Had Your Moles Checked?
    EVER HAD YOUR MOLES CHECKED OUT? I have often been told that the multitude of moles on my back look dodgy, so I was apprehensive when I had them scrutinised by skin cancer specialist Dr Dagmar Whitaker. With the help of a sophisticated computerised scanning system known as mole-mapping, Dr Whita....
  • Looking For a Face Cream?
    Are you looking for a face cream? Why not try AHA? AHA stands for alpha hydroxy acids, a group of fruit acids i.e. Glycolic acid (acid from the grape) or Lactic acid (acid from the milk) etc. Glycolic acids are used for chemical, in cosmetic dermatology because in a concentration of say 70%, they....
  • Looking For a Face Cream?
    Are you looking for a face cream? Why not try AHA? AHA stands for alpha hydroxy acids, a group of fruit acids i.e. Glycolic acid (acid from the grape) or Lactic acid (acid from the milk) etc. Glycolic acids are used for chemical, in cosmetic dermatology because in a concentration of say 70%, they....
  • Melanoma
    Melanoma Fact Sheet Members: Or G. Cohen, Mr G. Dempster, Mz E. Tzetis, Prof. F. Jordaan, Or G. Levy, Or J. Malan, Or G. McAdam, Or Nel, Or B. Ritchie, Or P. Scott, Prof. W. Sinclair, Or C. Thatcher, Or D. Vorobiof, Mr B. Van Reenen (CANSA), Or E. Bam. Melanoma - Definition/Diagnosis/lncide....
  • Melanoma
    Melanoma Fact Sheet Members: Or G. Cohen, Mr G. Dempster, Mz E. Tzetis, Prof. F. Jordaan, Or G. Levy, Or J. Malan, Or G. McAdam, Or Nel, Or B. Ritchie, Or P. Scott, Prof. W. Sinclair, Or C. Thatcher, Or D. Vorobiof, Mr B. Van Reenen (CANSA), Or E. Bam. Melanoma - Definition/Diagnosis/lncide....
  • Melanoma Screening: Where Are We Today?
    MELANOMA-SCREENING: Where are we today? Dr Dagmar Whitaker, Dermatologist, Cape Town President of the Melanoma Advisory Board, SA Melanoma is and has been for a long time a cause for serious concern in this country. We all know it's a deadly cancer, it's caused by the sun, it often occurs in pat....
  • Melanoma Screening: Where Are We Today?
    MELANOMA-SCREENING: Where are we today? Dr Dagmar Whitaker, Dermatologist, Cape Town President of the Melanoma Advisory Board, SA Melanoma is and has been for a long time a cause for serious concern in this country. We all know it's a deadly cancer, it's caused by the sun, it often occurs in pat....
  • Mole Screening
    Molescreening - State of the art Technology Dr. Dagmar Whitaker, Dermatologist, Cape Town - President of Melanoma Advisory Board S.A. Invasive primary melanoma in whites shows the greatest and most rapid increase of all cancer worldwide. The incidence in South Africa is unknown but what is known....
  • Mole Screening
    Molescreening - State of the art Technology Dr. Dagmar Whitaker, Dermatologist, Cape Town - President of Melanoma Advisory Board S.A. Invasive primary melanoma in whites shows the greatest and most rapid increase of all cancer worldwide. The incidence in South Africa is unknown but what is known....
  • Molemapping, Should I Consider Having It Done?
    MELANOMA-SCREENING: Where are we today? Dr Dagmar Whitaker, Dermatologist, Cape Town President of the Melanoma Advisory Board, SA Melanoma is and has been for a long time a cause for serious concern in this country. We all know it's a deadly cancer, it's caused by the sun, it often occurs in pat....
  • Molemapping, Should I Consider Having It Done?
    MELANOMA-SCREENING: Where are we today? Dr Dagmar Whitaker, Dermatologist, Cape Town President of the Melanoma Advisory Board, SA Melanoma is and has been for a long time a cause for serious concern in this country. We all know it's a deadly cancer, it's caused by the sun, it often occurs in pat....
  • Non Melanoma Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
    NON MELANOMA SKIN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Non Melanoma skin cancers (Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinoma) are the most common types of cancer in the Caucasian population and the incidence of skin cancer has reached epidemic proportions. It is difficult to determine exact incidence data ....
  • Non Melanoma Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
    NON MELANOMA SKIN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Non Melanoma skin cancers (Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinoma) are the most common types of cancer in the Caucasian population and the incidence of skin cancer has reached epidemic proportions. It is difficult to determine exact incidence data ....
  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Information
    PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY (PDT) INFORMATION Compiled by Dr. D.K. Whitaker, Dermatologist You have been prescribed PDT or Photo Dynamic Therapy - so how exactly will you be treated? POT is a non-surgical treatment of skin cancer or pre-cancerous lesions. So you could either have Solar Keratosis or a ....
  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) Information
    PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY (PDT) INFORMATION Compiled by Dr. D.K. Whitaker, Dermatologist You have been prescribed PDT or Photo Dynamic Therapy - so how exactly will you be treated? POT is a non-surgical treatment of skin cancer or pre-cancerous lesions. So you could either have Solar Keratosis or a ....
  • Skin Cancer, It Could Be Me
    SKIN CANCER: COULD IT BE ME? LET’S FACE FACTS Did you know that Skin cancer is more common than all other cancers combined? While on average of 120 per 100 000 Americans or Europeans get newly diagnosed with a non melanoma skin cancer every year it is a 50 - 100 times more common when we ....
  • Skin Cancer, It Could Be Me
    SKIN CANCER: COULD IT BE ME? LET’S FACE FACTS Did you know that Skin cancer is more common than all other cancers combined? While on average of 120 per 100 000 Americans or Europeans get newly diagnosed with a non melanoma skin cancer every year it is a 50 - 100 times more common when we ....
  • Vitiligo
    Vitiligo Vitiligo is a skin condition resulting from loss of pigment which produces white patches. Any part of the body may be affected. Usually both sides of the body are affected. Common areas of involvement are the face, lips, hands, arms, legs, and genital areas. Who Gets Vitiligo? Vitiligo ....
  • Vitiligo
    Vitiligo Vitiligo is a skin condition resulting from loss of pigment which produces white patches. Any part of the body may be affected. Usually both sides of the body are affected. Common areas of involvement are the face, lips, hands, arms, legs, and genital areas. Who Gets Vitiligo? Vitiligo .... - South Africa's premier interactive site for all medical doctors, specialists, dentists, psychologists, hospitals, clinics and allied medical services in Cape Town, Western Cape, Johannesburg and Pretoria, Gauteng, Durban, KZN and the rest of South Africa.