Health Systems Trust
Our Vision
Health systems supporting health for all in southern Africa
The Health Systems Trust actively supports the development of comprehensive, effective, efficient and equitable national and district health systems
Principle Objective
To promote scientific research into health systems in South Africa with the principle objective of designing and planning programmes and evaluations thereof towards restructuring of the health system and the development of a comprehensive National Health System based on equity
HST Trust Deed, 1992
Since 1992, the Health Systems Trust (HST) has been contributing to the development of a comprehensive, equitable and effective national health system in South Africa. More recently HST has begun to work more widely within the SADC region.
Our core activities are health systems research, health systems development, advocacy, capacity development and information dissemination. These activities are implemented through core programmes of Research, the Initiative for Sub-District Support (ISDS), Community Development and HealthLink.
The underlying principles that guide HST are support for the Primary Health Care philosophy and a commitment to equity and efficiency. HSTs uniqueness lies in the ability to integrate knowledge generation, policy development and practice in health systems development.
Our projects and programmes are geared to support and monitor transformation towards a more equitable provision of health services, especially to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged.
The role and practice of HST in district health system development, health systems research, electronic communication for health workers and reporting of progress particularly on health equity and health services delivery is widely acknowledged.
HST is guided by an independent Board of Trustees, which comprises a diverse group of leaders with professional standing and expertise in health systems development and public health. HST has a sound working relationship with the Department of Health, and also works closely with parliamentarians, academic and research institutions, and civil society.