The South African Podiatry Association (SAPA)

Phone: +27 (0)861 100 249

The South African Podiatry Association (SAPA)

Established in 1979, the South African Podiatry Association (SAPA) is the recognized voice of podiatry in South Africa and represents podiatrists in private practice and the public sector. The Association is dedicated to member service, preventing lower limb pathologies and promoting foot health public awareness programs.

SAPA works with governments and educational bodies to try to ensure that a quality podiatry service is available when and where you need it. Don’t trust your foot health with just anyone—make sure that your podiatrist is a SAPA Member.

We hope you find our website useful in your quest to find out more about podiatry, or to find a podiatrist.

What is a Podiatrist?

Podiatrist is a highly trained professionals in the care of the foot and ankle. Podiatrists are concerned with the examination, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of foot ailments by biomechanical, surgical and other treatment modalities.

Podiatrists are often called upon by other physicians and health care professionals for consultation and treatment of foot problems which can be experienced by everyone from children to seniors.

Examination of children’s feet is an integral part of podiatry. Frequently, children have structural imbalances of the feet that may go unrecognized and can lead to other deformities and imbalances within the skeletal system. When detected early, these imbalances of the feet, some of which are related to the bone structure, are treated so that a sturdier foundation can be provided for the later years.


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